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Hermann Wesselink College, Amstelveen NL

The Hermann Wesselink College is situated in the city of Amstelveen, which is directly below Amsterdam. It used by 1700 children (secondary school) and 150 employees. The college is almost energy neutral, does not make use of gas and is labelled as good acoustic environment.

The staircases and wall cladding in this school project are sound absorbing with our Topakustik-planks. The linear grooved planks are creating a pleasant open space for the kids and teachers to stay in. The melamine decor is both elegant and natural and fits perfectly in the beautiful design of the architect. 

Type: Topakustik Classic RL3 M
Surface: MDF melamine Acacia M4451 NTL
Architect: RoosRos Architecten, NL
Photo: Lucas van der Wee, NL