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New St. Anna Center, CH

The Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna is the only private centre hospital in Central Switzerland. It is investing in several buildings over the next few years in order to be up-to-date with the needs of the patients.

The ceiling in the new Topakustik Custom Linear product was used in the entrance area, as well as the corridor, cafeteria and lounge. It is made of thick MDF, which is covered with oak veneer and varnished. The strips are 700 m long, 40 mm wide, 20 mm high and are fixed to PET fleece. Since the installation was done in an English grid, all openings (lamps, sprinklers, fire alarms) could be discreetly incorporated into the design.

Type: Topakustik Custom Linear
Surface: Oak veneer, natural lacquered
Architect: Masswerk Architekten AG, Luzern CH
Photo: Sibylle Kathriner Fotografie, Stans CH